When this light rain, touches my face,
My heartbeat says something to me. On the lips, when a drop stays, My heartbeat says something to me. That I should immerse in this and remember the time when we first met. That I should close my eyes and imagine our first date. I remember, your sparkling eyes in that rain. You smiled and, at the moment, I felt no pain. I wanted to hold your hand, but I was afraid. I still wish that I should have done that. I imagine a cafe, we are sitting beside a window, with hot coffee and a mountain of snow. I loved when you tucked your hair behind your ear. I cannot believe that It has been a year. When I shiver in this cold breeze, My heartbeat says something to me. When I recall moments like these, My heartbeat says something to me. That I should ask this light rain to take me there where we first met. That I should ask this snowy mountain to take me there where I don’t have to imagine our first date. #arshaikhpoetry